What We Believe
Together we are united in our commitment to the right of people to migrate – in search of political stability, work, educational opportunity, or any of the other basic human rights. We believe that immigrants – both legal and undocumented – have become the scapegoats for a whole range of very real social and economic problems. By standing up for and supporting all our neighbors here in eastern Connecticut, we reject this line of thinking and try to demonstrate that another world is possible.
What We Do
The Neighbor Fund provides direct financial support to individuals seeking to normalize their immigration status in the United States.
We help to defray the cost of residency paperwork, to pay legal expenses associated with immigration and asylum cases, provide bail money for those detained because of their immigration status, and give money for the basic living expenses of families otherwise financially strapped because costs related to all of the above.
We raise money through online fundraisers but also through a number of events each year. In 2017, we hosted a block party after the Boom Box Parade in Willimantic and also held a fund-raising event at the Fitch House in Mansfield.